If you’re near the ACES Library on campus, stop by and see the mushroom exhibit. The fungi are from the mycological collections of the Illinois Natural History Survey.
Thank You Volunteers!
There is never a shortage of projects or tasks that need to be done when working in a herbarium. I’ve said many times that if we never received another new specimen, I’d still be busy for at least the next 5 years and this will probably still be true in years to follow.
2018 WeDigBio at Illinois A Success!
This past weekend, Oct. 19-20, we held our 3rd Annual WeDigBio event. WeDigBio or Worldwide Engagement for Digitizing Biocollections is a worldwide citizen science event that mobilizes volunteers to transcribe dark label data on biological collections onto a globally accessible platform.
WeDigBio 2018
We are gearing up for our citizen science event, WeDigBio 2018. The event will be held October 19-20. Watch for more details in the coming weeks and for information on how to sign up.
Donation of vascular plants by Mark Basinger
We recently received a large donation of vascular plants from Mark Basinger. So far this includes material collected in Hawaii, Alaska, the Carolinas, Alabama, Georgia, West Virginia as well as Illinois. As I’ve been accessioning them into our herbarium, I’ve been enjoying the added diversity of what we currently have in our collection and the unique qualities of each pressed plant. Normally, I don’t get the chance to mount and accession material so I’m enjoying this chance to really look at this material. This is one of my favorites from this week. Sabatia campanulata (L.) Torrey, a member of the Gentian family, collected in North Carolina.